
About Us

The Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn is a private Order with locations on all five continents. Its chiefs have been working the Golden Dawn tradition since 1980. The longest continuously running temple was founded in 1999. HSGD is run by high ranking Freemasons, SRIA members and other high initiates who practice the Golden Dawn administrative structure, magical techniques and ceremonies as they were originally done in 1888. The HSGD is an esoteric and fringe-masonic society open to individuals of all creeds, races and genders. The HSGD continues the initiatic lineage from the original Order of the Golden Dawn. The HSGD is a traditional GD Order using the original GD material (1888-1914) and AO material (1901-1925). We do not work the Stella Matutina ritual or the versions of the ceremonies found in Israel Regardie’s publications. 

The HSGD is also home to authors Frater YShY, Christine Zalewski, and Darcy Kuntz. There are links to purchase their books below. 

Those who are interested in more information about the order may contact us at:
